Contact North | Contact Nord Dr. Tony Bates’ 3rd edition of Teaching in a Digital Age

Trusted voice in digital learning releases 3rd edition of million-view
book to reflect seismic changes in online learning

Contact North | Contact Nord Research Associate Tony Bates’ insights a
must for faculty and instructors in a digital age

(Thunder Bay) – Viewed more than 1 million times since its launch in 2015, Dr. Tony
Bates’ Teaching in a Digital Age is now an even more valuable resource for faculty,
instructors, instructional designers and teaching professionals of all stripes.

The newly released 3rd edition of Bates’ book — a free, comprehensive, practical
resource with advice and point-by-point strategies to fit the times — cements his
global reputation as a trusted voice in digital learning.

Given the changing landscape of higher education, Bates acknowledges that any
book on the subject needs updating regularly, and he believes the ongoing impact of
the pandemic has made the 3rd edition of Teaching in a Digital Age particularly

“COVID-19 had a huge impact on teaching and learning, and this new version takes
account of these developments,” Bates says.

“The book was originally intended for post-secondary instructors, but it has also been
very popular for teacher education courses. The 3rd edition pays more attention to
some of the specific issues in using digital and online learning in this sector.”

As a pioneer in online and blended learning, Bates is a Contact North I Contact Nord
Research Associate, the author of 12 books and hundreds of articles and research
papers, and an in-demand worldwide speaker, presenter and consultant who has
worked with more than 40 organizations in 25 countries.

He is a widely recognized scholar with five honourary doctoral degrees and
numerous awards for his research and insights.

Reflecting the major transformation of higher education in recent years, his book
contains timely new sections that cover:

  • The successes and failures of the emergency pivot to remote learning during | 2
    the pandemic
  • Open pedagogy
  • Micro-credentials
  • The differences between synchronous and asynchronous learning
  • Emerging technologies that enhance learning and teaching

Contact North | Contact Nord President – Chief Executive Officer Maxim Jean-Louis
says the updated and expanded book will continue to be a core resource for faculty,
instructors, course designers, academic administrators and policy makers.

“Dr. Bates is a highly valued research associate on our team, and his work has had a
positive impact on teaching and learning all over the world,” Jean-Louis says. “I’m
especially pleased that the 3rd edition of his Teaching in a Digital Age tackles the
shifting sands of higher education, making it an even more valuable resource for the
thousands who rely on his insights to do their jobs effectively.”